Kushe’ Magazine expands its reach through numerous outlets connected to the Sierra Leone and broader African communities.
- Readership: Over 2500 readers have accessed Kushe' Magazine at www.kushemag.com
- Social Media: Over 12,000 fans follow us on Facebook.com/KusheMagazine
- African Diaspora TV Interview: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Xn8ZlqdLFg
- Front Page Film Studio Interview: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRR5On6Gsug
- Awareness Times Newspaper: May 6, 2013 Article on Kushe’ Magazine
- Patriotic Vanguard Newspaper: May 8, 2013 Article on Kushe’ Magazine
Kushe’ Magazine addresses personalities and affairs of the Sierra Leone and broader African nationalities. Kushe’ sheds light on the good work of those in and outside of the African diaspora.We depend on our readers to help us enhance the magazine content.
If you know someone of influence who should be featured in Kushe', reach out to us at kushemag@gmail.com.